Grab Our banner!

Grab Our banner!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day! =]

Hi guys! Do you guys know what day it is day? Yup, that's've guessed it... it's Monday! And it also happens to be Valentines Day =] So this post is to wish you a...

And what better way to spend Valentines Day on Chobots then parties and a new Valentines Day themed Mod Magic item.
Well, have a great Valentines Day! And don't forget to comment on this post.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Garbage Collecter Competition Winners!

Hi guys! Wanna know who won the garbage collector competition? :o Well, here they are!
Ron810- 15 days of citizenship
Smileguy- 10 days of citizenship
Kooldude98- 5 days of citizenship.

Congratz guys! =]

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why, hello Choproff

Hi guys! Did you notice Choproff is back?
:] Why, hello there Choproff. I'm ready to take your quiz :D

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boy11 Back! ^^

Hey everyone, Boy11 here!

I had a wonderfull time with my family in Christmas! =) How was yours? :D What did you received as a gift? :] Hehe, anyways I still be disconnected for a few days from Chobots but good news is that I'm back posting! :)

First, William has a new video contest. CLICK HERE to enter submit your entries. Theme is action! =) Be sure to make this videos by these categories:

  • Best Video
  • Most Awesome Action
  • Best Storyline

For more information go to and you can see exactly what you have to do! =) Good luck! :D

Stay tuned,

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Design Items for 2011!

Hey there, Boy11 here.

Did you know that 2011 is the year of the Rabbit in the chinese calendar? Hiki was thinking that we should have bunny items. I think it's a great idea! :D So start designing your January 2011 Items and the best ones might be on the January monthly citizenship items! :) I will definetely participate in this. I totally like designing new stuff! :) Good luck! :D

Stay tuned,

Racer Competition

Hello there, Boy11 here.

Hiki has posted a short contest of the game Chobots Racer. There is another chance to win citizenship! ^^ 

Good luck! Winners are posted on Tuesday. :)

Stay tuned,

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Wintery Updates

Hello chosters, Boy11 here.

Guess what day is it? Yep, its Friday! :O That's means Friday Updates, yayy! x) Take a look at them:

They look wintery, dont they? x) My favourite is the toothbrush! :D What's your favourite wintery update? :)

Stay tuned,