Grab Our banner!

Grab Our banner!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Big News, Long Post

Hi guys, Boy11 here.
I'm sorry for not posting yesterday the others news, I was really busy! D: But here they are:

We have a lot of news goin' on but first is first.. Lol! xP

Firstly in our Official Chobots Blog we our short sweet battle contest which ends tommorow! =o Hurry up and no talking! x)

Secondly, in our Official Blog, we have our newest Halloween clothes!
Here are the clothes for non-citizens (Yaaaay, lol):

For citizens:

Halloween Items! :D

Pretty cool, huh? :D I love them all! I'm going to buy the sweater and the pumpking flag! ^^

Next, we have our friend Chopix which is here for you to catch those spies! Put your goggles on and find those spies! ;)

Finally but least, we have our epic, amazing, fascinating (lol) Halloween Party!! >:O

Also guess what? Halloween party is goin' to be all day tommorow with magic, rain and tons of fun! :D It's all day long, all servers and in random locations! =oo Amazing!! :D

So I will see ya in the party! ;)

That's all for now in a really long post lol! :P

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Best Halloween Blogs!

Hi chosters, Boy11 here.
Hiki has posted the winners of the Halloween decorating contest. So the winners are...

The ones marked in red are blogs which I work on! :) I also won a feather by working on Smirk's blog! :D Thanks Hiki for nominating! ^^

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Design Thanksgiving clothes & Video of the Week

Hi chosters, Boy11 here!

We have 2 cool news in the Official blog.

First of all, we have our Thanksgiving contest which is designing items! You need to participate because maybe your designs might become in the monthly catalog! So good luck to ya! ;)

Second, we have our Video of the week created by Beautifulmess! Also guess what? This video has been named by the same Chobot! Wow! =o Great job! :)

That's all for now!

Reccomend a agent! POLL TOMORROW OR FRIDAY!


Its your time, to reccomend YOUR AGENT!
Then we move on to the poll!

I currently have 67 reccomends AND COUNTING!

Wish me luck


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cho Notebook is Open!

Boy11's Chobots Blog

Hi guys, Boy11 here.

Me and Tactical have created a really fascinating blog called Cho Notebook. I just wanted to tell you that will you please follow it? I usually get followers 2 months later. o.e Lol. Me and Tactical are posting news, updates, wall of the fame we have all planned. It still needs some changes like the wall of fame, art gallery, trackers and more. But don't worry, fun is in this epic blog! ;)

Please visit Cho Notebook and follow! ;)

Edited Post on Agent Reccomendation

Hi everyone, Boy11 here.
I have just noticed that the Agent post on the Official blog was edited by Hiki! Look at this pic:

So Hiki is trying to tell you that reccomend the ones that REALLY deserve it. I know you want to reccomend your friends but try reccomending that really deserve it! ;)

Early news before Halloween!

Hi guys, Boy11 here.

We have a few days before Halloween comes! :) Hiki will be reminding to finish your Halloween contests.
So the main contests happening right now are:

Poem contest - contest post here.
Decorate your blog - post is here.
Comic Contest - post is here.

So if you forgot to post your entry, there are the links for the contests. Good luck! ;)

Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm back from Camping! :D

Hey Chobots, Boy11 here.
Wow! I have miss a lot of Chobots since I went camping! D: New Agents Poll, new updates, new contests and everything!! Dx Lol. Well I had a lot of fun camping, but the truth is, I prefer being with my Chobots friends. :) I miss you a lot, Chobots! Dx

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sad news from Ccf...

Hello chos, Boy11 here with sad news,
I've been checking Ccf's (Cupcakefairy) blog. It's really sad what she has been posting.

Check this link. Please don't be sad. :( I'm goin' to miss her a lot! D;

2k Followers party & Camping

Hey Chobots, Boy11 here.
We have reached more than 2k followers and guess what that means...? Party Time!! :OO I still don't know when the party is goin' to be.

Awesome, right? :D But maybe I might not come because I will not be connected on Friday, Saturday neither Sunday! D: Guess why? I'm goin' camping for 2 days! xP

Well that's all for now. I'm going to miss Chobots for the last 3 days. D;

Monday, October 18, 2010

Contest & Winners (Game Racer)

Hey there chosters, Boy11 here.
We have fantastic news goin' on the Official Chobots blog.

First of all there is a spooky dress up contest for Jessie. I will obviously participate but I haven't even started it yet! xD

Second we have our best racer on our Game Racing competition contest. Winners are...

Rambo68 - Wins 3 weeks of citizenship.
Fern9 - Wins 2 weeks of citizenship.
Jbin and Newy82 - Win a week of citizenship.

Well thats all for now, chosters! ;D

Sunday, October 17, 2010

AHP Postponed

Hey chobots, Boy11 here.
We have bad news dear Chobots.. AHP has postponed for a few months. Don't be mad neither sad because the Season 5 candidates will remain the same! ;)

Please understand that some things happen in people's life and plans change a bit. :)


How can i earn trophys on Chohermione?

To earn trophys you need to get 10 Muttly points for gold, 7 For silver and 4 For bronze! Also get them by just being plain nice on the blog. onece a week i give a bronze trophy out not for points. 2 Normal bronze = 1 normal silver. 5 Normal silver = 1 gold. BUT THATS NOT FOR THE POINTS!!!

My first trophy goes to hermione123 for adding me to this blog. -Bronze trophy.

(Image comming soon)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stylish Chobots

Hi guys, take a look at these stylish chobots I saw today.Very fashionable :D

Raffle winner =D

Hey guys, time to announce the WINNER of the raffle recieving the +5 muttly points =D remember 10 points for a prize ;)

And the winner is:


Whooo ;) gratz Boy11

I hope u like ur points xDD

New Items in the Coming Soon Catalog

Hey guys, Boy11 here.
There are lots of items in the Coming Soon Catalog which seem really cool! Take a look at them :)

(Picture took by Hechmex1)

(Picture took by Hechmex1)

Pretty cool, huh? :D The backpack cake was made by Tapsi (Tapity1), the fox suit was design by Gypman142 and the Frankenstein suit was design by Ultimatelegend1.

Friday, October 15, 2010

New Friday Updates!

Hey guys, Boy11 here.
We have good news for us, the non-citizens! x] There are new warm clothes on the shop which most of them are for non-citizens and they look pretty fancy ^^

The mushroom backpack is the only item for citizens.

Well those were the Friday Updates! ;)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Halloween contest goin' on! ;D

Hello everyone, Boy11 here.
There are 2 new cool Halloween contest goin' on so don't miss them! ^^

First, we have our comic Halloween contest. Maybe I might be able to participate but I'm not good at comics! Dx

Second, we have our Decorating Halloween Blog contest. I obviously decorated my blog for this contest, lawl! xD

Winners will receive the feather! =o

Well that's all for now ;) Good luck to everyone! =D

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New things goin' on! =D

Hey guys, Boy11 here.
As you see our friend Chopix hasn't been on a while with us. But at least he is finally back, I'm sure you missed him! :3

Next we Racer Game competition. I really enjoy playing this game, although I'm not good at it. :P Anyways good luck to everyone who participates!

Winners get citizenship! =o

Finally but not least, Video of the Week! :D Take a watch :)

Cool, isn't it? :) Sightens and Co made it, well done! =D

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hiring authors in my blog! =)

Hey guys! :)
If you want or you are interested in becoming an author at my blog visit and comment! ;) My blog is but the link for the author hiring is Thank you, I really need authors because sometimes I'm busy. =)

Monday, October 11, 2010

How does muttly #1

Hello =D  I'm making a new thing =O    O=  and it's called How does muttly? this is Version #1.

Now lets get onto doing it xDDD

How does muttly announce the winners of any contest?

From now on muttly will announce the winners of the contest in a HIGHLIGHT

Like this.

But the text will be the same colour/color so you need to highlight over it (drag ur mouse over it, click the end and pull it to the other end:

Try now, comment what it says. and you may win a muttpoint.

My name is muttly

Comment atleast 3 please to enter in a raffle and on friday i will announce 1 person will get +5 points.

News! :D

Hey everyone! :D
We have a lot of news to tell. :P So lets start with followers news:

We are about to reach 2000 followers! Isn't that great? :D I hope we can make it! :)

Next we have our Space Racing contest which has ended. Jbin gets 2 weeks of citizenship, Littleagent gets 1 week of citizenship and Anemoni gets 5 days of citizenship. Congrats guys! :)

Finally we had our quickee party with Robots01! :D It was his 450 B Day. :) Happy B Day BFF! :DD We had so much fun. :) Here is a party card for Robot made by me. :]

Yep, those are 3 big news. x) Well that's all for now! :)

Bye bye! :D

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Anniversary Party 2 Years Report

Hey everyone! :)
It was such an amazing epic party! :) I totally have fun! :D Here look at the pic I took:

It rained our fabulous 2 year shirt which moderators have changed it to non-citizens! 8D Woot! :D The party was in all servers and it rained tons of magic, rain, fun but unfortunately there was no VIC shirts. :( When the party crashed for everyone not just me. I guess Chobot has left at that time. :( Jessie continued the party, btw. ;) Also look at this 2 which they made at the server Chocolate:

Amazing! :D We tried to make a C for Chobots in Mimo City but it didn't went to good. xD

Well that was the epic party report by Boy11 :]