Grab Our banner!

Grab Our banner!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Age:528, and
Meaning;Being an agent to me means that you have to be on watch a lot for all of those bad chobots and try to stop them until it gets out of hand.
Deserve:I think i deserve to be agent because I really like to help new chobots and stop those bad ones and maybe with a badge they could listen.I should be agent because I love to help a lot and make chobots a safe place!
Job:Stopping bad chobots and reporting them to support.


Space Racing Winners

Hi guys. Here are the Space Racing winners:
Sahilsahil gets 2 weeks of citizenship, missperfcet2010 - 1 week of citizenship, purchase - 5 days of citizenship

Monday, August 30, 2010


Guys cat got de-modded!I can't believe it but he was sharing acc's!To learn more check out!Also, i joined AHP too!I would post my application but it is to long x)

Applying For AHP!

Helllllooooo ;D
So.. Im applying to be in AHP, I got good vibes about dis one >:D
Cho-Name: Hermione123 ( Call me hermy)
Cho-Age- 392 (Yippie almost 400!)
My Cho-Blog: ( Working with 2 fabulous authors!)
Other Cho-Blogs i work on!: The only real one is It should be a website soon.

 Being an agent to me..Its about having fun... Like... You shouldnt rlly be too stressed. Its also to me about enjoying and knowing and helping chobots! For example.. You should know about the games.. The places.. And what you should do.. To give tours! :D If u give tours.. It passes on some knowledge to a new player. You should also enjoy chobots. Do stuff that you like!

 I think i deserve to be an agent cause Usually.. I feel like people ignore me :/ Hiki never talks to me. Usually people choose famous people over me.. I feel like.. Not noticed.. Thats why people dun recommend me.. And my chances get slim. With this blog.. I feel like i can have a chance.. I help alot, ever since i was like age 5.Some people think i really deserve it, ya know?

 One agents jobs? How about ALL agents jobs? Agents jobs are to help players, New or old. Another job is to help keep chobots safe and cuss and date-free. To answer all questions when needed. Agents should never break the rules! Agents should have knowledge about chobots, Basic things, helpful things, any things in general!

 And a little about myself :): I was a citizen at age 1. I work for a private beta game named muttbots, Im a mod on there. If u want to visit the blog. Just ask! I have a cutie dog named fred. Its body is shaved, but its head is all fluffy! xD! I got a huge sence of humor :) I can make anybodys days!

Hope i get picked!

                                               P.S, Good luck to everybody else!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello there! There is going to be a nichos party D:Theres gonna be a party today, at 21:00. It takes place at Cafe Street. Are you coming?

Friday, August 27, 2010


Hello there! There are updates :o
I luv the new hair x]

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Checkers WInners!

Hello! The checker competition is officially over and here are the results:The winners get: Jbin - 2 weeks of free citizenship.
Sahilsahil - 1 week of free citizenship.
Arno0b - 5 days of free citizenship

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello there. Do you want to win free citizenship? Yeah, I know you do. Well there is a checkers competition.
You have 2 days. Winners get citizenship and bugz. Good luck ;]

Monday, August 23, 2010


I saw a new suit today.And it isnt in shops.Its for contests.

Stylish Party

Hello there. Were you at the Stylish Party today? Well here are some pictures:
And here were the most stylish chos:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Visit to the Zoo

Hi guys. William has made another video making contest :D The topic is "Chobots visit the Zoo".
Winners will be judged on Best video, Funniest, Most factual.
For those entering, good luck ;]

New signature

I got a new signature!Thanks lostariel!

Back from vacation!

Hey! As all of you might know, i was on vacation for 4 days with NO INTERNET -gasp-
But im back :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Toothfairy Drawing Contest

Hello there! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was on vacation. Anyways, there is a Toothfairy drawing contest.
The thing is, it has to be a Chobots version of the Toothfairy. Winner get something cool.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hey chos, pls enter my contests.I got a new one for you.Tell me about chobots like you were gonna give me tour.Winner gets 1000 bugs (space racing)

Ps:My name is clubpenguin213 not clubpenguinfan123 but its ok :)

Sparkys card :)

Hey guys,
Sparky was feeling depressed because one of his friends passed away..
So i made him this card:
I hope we can cheer you up!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hello there! Choproff is back!
You can find him in the Academy. He's a very easy way to earn bugz fast.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th


Happy Friday the 13th

Hello there! Happy Friday the 13th! Today is a day of bad luck or good luck depending on how you look at it! There's a Party today at 20:00 Chobots time at Cafe Street.
Are you coming? Oh, and don't let black cats pass by you...unless they are cute like that one x]

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hi guys! I am happy to say I'm a new author on this blog :D Here's a picture of my player card.

I will try posting daily :]

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hello my fellow cho ish's!How does everyone do?Ready to get those minds in action for school?Well, let's start now!I've forgotten about the making of the first school.Could anyone tell me about it?I can give you 1500 bugs without password or hacks.All yours if you can help me with my school history knowlege!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hello chobots, Im clubpenguin213!The new author!Anyways, Jessie2000 threw a mini party today that was pretty cool.I couldn't take any pics cause I was on my comp that cant take pics but I can describe it to you.Basically, it was some rain and magic.Same as always!

New authors!! :)

The time has come, i picked 2 authors that deserve it!!!
Here are some rules:
Dont post about what ur doing in real life, only post updates :)
Have fun!

Monday, August 9, 2010

New authors? :)

Im looking for some authors.
If your interested.. continue reading.

I want 3 authors. 2 boys, 1 girl.
Please leave your:
E-mail to contact you:
hope you want to join! I need extra hands.


Hey guys!
As you can see from the title, im so sorry!
I have not been on chobots for a while, or posting!
The friend i have not seen for so long is here. Shes leaving today or tomorrow. I promise i will visit you guys soon!
<3 ya all!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy friendship day + new membership items! + other stuff :O

Hey peepz!
Wow, Today is a big news day xD
First, lets look at the membership items?
Anybody notice our cow suit was made by Jessicawow?And the giga suit made by LBP?
Now for our next subject xD
Happy friendships day!
I want to thank these friends for always being by my side :)
and last but not least,
third thing! (wow)
Im almost a year on chobots! We should have a party! :)
thats it, byeee :D