Grab Our banner!

Grab Our banner!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

airboy13/t0mmy76/wolffire145, WHY?

Ive warned you so many times!Now your gonna get it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Garbage Collect

Hi guys! Do you want free citizenship? Well, if you win the Garbage collecting competition, free citizenship can be yours :]Winners will be announced September 26th. Good luck ;] and Don't Cheat.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Give a big gratz for...

gratz, he is our new author :)
Can you please pc me your e-mail on chobots?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Signature

Do you like it?

Monday, September 13, 2010

AHP Entry 1

Lets hear a bit about me.My name is clubpenguin213 on chobots and black is my favorite color.I like to hang out and help my friends with anything they don't know.I like to stay home and watch T.V, use the computer and just take naps so I can refresh myself.I play about every sport except baseball.What I think is unique most about me is that I always can say things I have no idea I learned ever.I can say wise things when I even don't know it.Oh also I can vision moments that will happen in the future, so I am kinda psychic.Using all I have wrote, you can see I am a bit in the basics of modern life but I have much more interesting things about me.I think I've finally picked up all the qualities an agent needs, and I think I'm ready for it.I mean, I think out of the box.Most people would think to stop a dater by saying stop and reporting, but I would give the dater a little talk, and make the dater be a normal cho who doesn't break the rules.And I would take it a step down little by little until the dater has flew to a normal cho, it's like a bird learning to fly.I love to help people and the earth, it makes me feel good about myself.I like to be a rode model so our earth can be clean from pollution, and safe.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Amazing Record

I won my soccer game today!And oh my story of this game is very cool.LOL lets start it!
So my team score one goal right away and then I cross the ball and the other team own goals it!Then it's 2-0 and they caught up!We had never beat this team.And all hope was lost.But even when all hope was lost I didnt give up.So i gave a pass that lead into a penalty which we scored.Then we got another penalty laterz and they got one 2.Then the whistle blew, and we finally beat this team.We hadnt beat them and we faced them 4 times before.But we finally got our revenge on them.Oh  and it is sweet x)                     

Mimo did come justin


Hi guys! Chopix is Back!Time for you to put on those goggles and catch those nichos!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Hello Everyone!

My name is Ebtama. I'm 580 days old today on chobots! I have many friends that i constantly chat to when i bored, one of them being Hermione123! I hope you guys enjoy reading this blog, Like I do! I made a Header for this blog....

Its a bit crazy but i dont mind it =D Lol well I hope you like it :)

Feather Winners :)

Hi chosters ;)
Hiki has checked every single blog that you have commented! xD The blogs were amazing, though. :) So the winners are..

  • Cheweh
  • Asoooomi
  • Chogirl1605
  • Robots01
  • Streaming
  • Yavn
  • Hechmex1
  • Unni
  • Blik3
  • Flying_Hawk
  • Newy82
  • Moneyinthebank13

Congratulations! :D They all win a feather for their blogs. :))

New Author, Boy11 :)

Hi everyone! ;D
Let just tell that congratulations Hermione123 for becoming an agent :) I'm very proud of you :) Also I'm honored to be on this Epic blog :D

I usually post on Weekends and sometimes on weekdays! ;) Anyways I'm not going to let you down! ;)

Track me :)

Hellooo! :3

Hi ya!

I am an author on this fantastic blog made by Harmonie123, it is an absoloute honour to be posting here!! :DDD

Here is my cho tracker:

I can't wait to see you on cho, and also don't for get to say 'Congrats' to harmonie as she just became an agent. Woo hoo, congrats^.^

3 more newcomers :)

Hey guys!
i added 3 new authors, CLUBPENGI, EBTAMA, and BOY11 :)
but i need 2 more!
So sign in this sheet!
blogs you work on:
Why you wanna work on my blog!:

Dedications :)

Hello guys :)
This is a special post.. for that i became an agent :)
I want to thank my 2 great authors cp231 and Hally :)
I want to thank all of my friends, for getting me this far..
However, a select few really boosted me :)
They are:
Muttly, A great friend from the beginning :)
Hechmex1, Wow hechy, it came true :) Thanks to all of u for supporting me :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sweet Battle Competition

Hi guys! There is going to be a Sweet Battle Competition!
Competition ends on September 11th. Winners get citizenship.
Good Luck ;]

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Hello chobot friends, I am sorry I haven't posted much, it's because I have a soccer tournament!But it's gonna end today because I'm in the finals!And its today!                                

Friday, September 3, 2010

New items!

Skateboard:Usd catolog.
                                                Cookie Hat:Hair catolog
                                   Red hat:Hat catolog
                                  Dress:Shirt catolog


New items!

Here are the new, awesome items!


Are you bored?If you are then you might wanna consider working on some blogs.I work on 17 blogs just to make my bordom go away xD                                                

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Loose your cool

Hey guys, if you loose your cool on chobots easily then you should stay tuned for this post.If you ever loose your cool, you'd better learn the meaning of a zen garden.It has a entry and theres some rocks.Zen gardens must be near the oceans.Its supposed to be quiet.Think of peaceful sound of waves hitting the shore and your meditating.Thats a zen garden.When you loose your cool, take a big deep breath, and just say ok.It will probably work.And this can work in real too.Just take a deep breath and say ok.Everything is possible until you have tried every single way possible.This will help you a lot with stress.Please take my advice if you loose your cool.                              

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Citizenship Items

Hi guys. Its September! You know what that means, new citizenship items :D

The Teddy Bear is so cute! I have one just like it in real life x]