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Monday, September 13, 2010

AHP Entry 1

Lets hear a bit about me.My name is clubpenguin213 on chobots and black is my favorite color.I like to hang out and help my friends with anything they don't know.I like to stay home and watch T.V, use the computer and just take naps so I can refresh myself.I play about every sport except baseball.What I think is unique most about me is that I always can say things I have no idea I learned ever.I can say wise things when I even don't know it.Oh also I can vision moments that will happen in the future, so I am kinda psychic.Using all I have wrote, you can see I am a bit in the basics of modern life but I have much more interesting things about me.I think I've finally picked up all the qualities an agent needs, and I think I'm ready for it.I mean, I think out of the box.Most people would think to stop a dater by saying stop and reporting, but I would give the dater a little talk, and make the dater be a normal cho who doesn't break the rules.And I would take it a step down little by little until the dater has flew to a normal cho, it's like a bird learning to fly.I love to help people and the earth, it makes me feel good about myself.I like to be a rode model so our earth can be clean from pollution, and safe.

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