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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas News! ^^

Hey everyone, Boy11 here.

I'm sure everyone is excited that Christmas is coming, right? :) Well I am too! :D Anyway, theres a new guy I want you too meet:

Woot! Santa is here! ^^ You can locate him at the park and you may complete the quest. The prize is:

The Elf suit! =o Amazing, huh? :) Have fun doing the quest! ^^

Next, we have our little Christmas contest to design your own christmas card.

You can post your entries HERE. Decorate it as a Christmas style and don't forget to put your name in it. Winners will receive a red rossete! =o

Coming up, we have finally our newest Agents. Lets see who they are! ^^

Congratulations to our newest agents: Lackygirl123, Darelnicky and Creme. I'm sure you will be great agents!  :)

At last, we have our Christmas Tree decoration winners! Lets see who they are:

Here are the winners...

Congratulations winners: Amazingrory9, Blemblabs, Zchad, Angelgod and Goldminer! They will win a week of citizenship and a red rossete! =o

See ya and stay tuned,

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