Grab Our banner!

Grab Our banner!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Guys, im leaving this blog because im moving on to and Of corse, i will be visiting, but ill be working on blogs from now on:)

Sooo bye guys

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hello chobots, Boy11 here.
I'm so sorry for not posting neither announcing that I will not be able to post, but at least I have this little time to accounce all blogs. I will not be able to post until December 10th. I'm so sorry! D; I couldn't announce this post because I was so busy studying! ); Anyways, I will be online on Chobots, but unfortunetly for a while! D;

Thank you for understanding.

Until December 10,

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hi guys! Chopix is back.
He needs your help to catch those nichos :o

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bonjour, I'm Back! x)

Hey chosters, Boy11 here.
I'm back from camping and I came to my home like 6:00 am of the morning in my place! o.e I caught up sleeping all day, lawl! x)

Anyways, I have heard there has been a lot of news lately! 0.0 Here's a picture of the Underground party I missed, haha! x)

So, why am I showing you this picture of a fox? Because Jessie has made a new research contest about the Artic Fox. Which just looks like this picture above! ^^

Good luck! :) Winners will receive a scroll also Jessie is going to post the Scrapbook Thanksgiving winners. I can't wait till this day! x3

Bye, until next time...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not Posting until Saturday! :(

Hey guys, Boy11 here.
I have sad news for you! D; I will not be posting until Saturday... :( Reason: I'm going on to a field trip in school this Friday (Its not a camp, lol) and I will be back in Saturday morning, long trip...

I'm sorry, but don't worry I will be back with my blogger expirience to keep posting all days.

See ya until Saturday,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hey chobots, Boy11.
I never have seen such creative imagination! ^^ Check this out:

This chobot is made out of LEGOS by Clubpengi and Mongo890. Really impressive, what can more creative chobots do next? ^^

Until next time,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Contests at Cho Notebook

Hey guys, Boy11 here.
Haven't you heard about Cho Notebook? x) Anyways, this time Cho Notebook will be about imaginative contests, which are brought by me and my buddy Tactical. We are making our first MINOR contest. Also prizes WONT be for example: TV Remote, feather, comic, etc. Prizes are also minor for example 1000 bugs (due to space race). Anyways be sure to participate in our contest because there are also incredible and epic prizes! :D Be sure to visit this blog very often! ^^

Thank you! :D

Click HERE to visit Cho Notebook now.

Until next time,

Nichos Party & Choproff

Hey there, Boy11 here. :)
We have 2 wonderful news goin' on

First of all we have our Nichos Kingdom Party. Don't forget to bring your lightbulg, speed magic and invisible magic, because its in the Nichos Kingdom located at Mission Agency. Anyways party will be today at 22:00 Cho time. Have fun! :D

Coming up next, we have our kewlest professor in the whole world (lol), Choproff. He's back in the city to make you more knowledge tests! :) Have fun learning! ;D

See ya, until next time...

Monday, November 15, 2010

William's New Slightly... Weird Chobots Blog! x)

Hey everyone, Boy11 here.
William has officially opened his newest blog. Novokid is helping him posting. There is lots of cool stuff on his blog, be sure to check it out! ;)

Click HERE to visit his blog now! :) See ya later, until next time...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Contest at my blog! :D

Hey guys, Boy11 here.
I have a new contest at my blog and prizes are epic! ^^ You have to participate! :D But if you don't want to, tell your buddies! ;) My blog is! Visit now! :D Thank you! :)

See ya, until next time,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Party Report! ^^

Hi chosters, Boy11 here.
This party was so fun! x) I didn't had time to dress up as a mod, though. Anways, take a look at this amazing pic I tooked:

Woah! There where many Puffles in the party! LOL! x) I think Puffles was the favourite one from the party! xD

Until next time...

Meet Chopix

Hi there, Boy11 here.
Chopix is back in the city. He's located in all servers. So put your goggles on and start finding those spies! ;)

Have fun catching those spies! :)

Until next time,


Hi guys! Chopix is back :D
Cool right? Also, which mod are you dressing as for the party today? :]


The big contest is ending soon!!! we need people to enter

awesome prizes in the point shop =D

Friday, November 12, 2010


Hey guys, Boy11 here.
I have bad news for me, my computer stop working.. It has a technical problem with the internet. So I might not use Photoshop, neither any other paint programs! Dx But I have good news for you! ;)

There are new clothes at the Shop. Take a look at them:

Pretty cool, huh? :)

Btw, Chobots had a party. I'm sure this pic will tell you what was the theme of the party! x)

I missed it, unfortunetly because I was on school and my internet on my computer was not working (I'm using my sister's computer now).

See ya until next time...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Muttly Point Shop!

I really dun like typing in orange xD but its ok! Here is the Muttly Point Shop!
Herm please make a page of the muttly shop ;) and a side bar of the ammount of points ppl have ;)

New authors: +2
Herm: +4

now back to the shop xD here is a list of things u can spend ur points on:

A Header for your blog - 5 points
A TEMPLATE for your blog - 20 points
a Signiture - 2 points
a edit of ur playercard (white background pls) 1 point
1000 bugs - 5 points
2000 bugs - 30 points
Drawing help (citizens or Agent citis) - 7 points
5000 bugs - 150 points
10000 bugs (takes upto 4-5 days) - 500 points

(the shop is currently being UPDATED)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Time for a NEW CONTEST =D

Hi everyone =D

I think everyone is getting bored of the revealing contests :S so i have prepared another fun contest for you ALL =O

Here are the rules:

1. You must make sure your name is on your entry!!
2. You must use paint or photoshop for this activity
3. Follow this contests theme of: Celebrations
4. You must use the certain item of the contest, which this contest is: USE A WIRE
So in your entry you MUST use a wire!!
5. Comment a working link to your entry when finished!

And here is what contest it is:


So you can do ANYTHING but following the celebration theme and using the wire! it could be a newspaper, a comic, a scrapbook or a reasearch on celebrations! ITS YOUR CHOISE =D

you have untill the 20th of November to enter this amazing contest!

Thanksgiving Contests!

Hey chobots, Boy11 here.
There are 2 cool new contests on the Official blog about Thanksgiving, which is coming up.

First of all, we have a Scrapbook contest on the Official blog:

Make sure this little friend is in this Scrapbook, btw! ;) Good luck and winners will receive the fabulous medal! ^^

Next contest we have about Thanksgiving is about drawing a Thanksgiving Graffitii. If you are a citizen you can draw in the Citizens Wall. If you aren't you can take a piece of paper and start using your imagination! ^^ Winners will receive a cool prize! :D

That's all for now. Good luck to you in the contest. Btw, there are also contests too on Top Chobots. :)

Until next time...

Meet Choproff

Hey guys, Boy11 here.
Choproff is back with more knowledge gaining. He's located at Academy. Hope you have fun learning! x)
Bye bye! ;)

Until next time...

New authors!

Im happy to announce KATYA710 and TWIRLZ!
Please comment your emails!
Also authors, Were going to choose COLORS.
Lookie here at this chart
Hermione123 Updates- RED
Boy11 updates- Blue
Muttlys contests- Orange
Katya710's Life in chobots- Fushia
Twirlz's Art- Green
Please type in these colors for now on!
Highlight to see what it says!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pyramid randomness WINNER

Finally we have someone who read the rules xDD


Welldone hermione123, you will recive 3 muttly points, 5= 1000 bugs from space race!!

Hermione123, you have a current total of 4 muttly points! you need 1 more to get ur prize! here is what she put for the entry (btw she listed 3):

Hermione123 said...
pyramid randomness o.e lol
stairs effect time to eat mah pie
umm... this dont look like stairsss

Welldone =D

More contests soon)))


How do i enter Pyramid madness?

Well pyramid madness is quite of a fun contest i made up a few weeks ago, and sadly no one entered xD

BUT.. here is the rules!

Highlight the black surroundings (click and drag)]

Try this:


It is a quite of a easy task, but when it gets to the BIG pyramids it can take upto 5 mins to decode the message!

Farm Contest Results

Hi chosters, Boy11 here.
Hiki has posted the results of the Farm contest.
Let's see:

Stellerboy24 has cheated. He won't receive the prize.
Joneth - 15 days of citizenship.
Zhozzygal04 - 10 days.
Cyberkid97 - 5 days of free citizenship.

About Stellerboy24, I have no idea how did he cheated or how is it possible to cheat in a farm contest? o.o Well, I'm glad Hiki has found the one who cheated and disqualified him.

Until next time...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy 600 Hikikomori!

Hey hikifans, Boy11 here. :P
Our dear granny Hiki is 600! :) I can't believe it. So we, Chobots are going to celebrate a party for her:

Party Time - 15:00 Cho time
Party Place - Cafe!

Also guess what? I wasn't there! Dx Anyways I wish you Hiki a cheerful 600 birthday party! ^^

Until next time...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Drawing Party Report

Hey chobots who loves art by Guguzi, Boy11 here (Lol x),
Here's the Drawing party report which I missed! Dx But it's ok. I have been there for a while but then all of the sudden I started to lag and I couldn't enter Chobots. But anyways, take a look at the pics Hikster took:

Guguzi I totally ♥  your art! :)
Until next time...

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Time to find out the words again =D

Writing is very funny!
Chobots- your family game
Pyramid randomness o.e lol
stairs effect time to eat mah pie
Umm... this dont look like stairsss

Give ATLEAST 3-4 of the answers

Author alert!

We need 2 more authors!
If you can see, Boy11 (epic job!) has filled pages up with posts!
We need more authors!
Please post a application saying;
Blogs you work on:
Why do you want to work here?:
What section do you want to do? :
About the sections.. I made these up to make it more organized :)
We need:
Boy11 and Hermione123-Updates
______-Life in chobots ( NICE GOSSIP!)
So that means 4 spots are open!
ALSO. At least 5 lines of why you want to join, For example
I would like to join this blog because its very awesome IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Heres a good ONE:
I like to work here because im a big fan of this blog. Its very nice, and i think i would do great. dadadda so on and so forth :)

Gogogo! ;)

Friday, November 5, 2010

New Clothes & Citizens Party

Hey chosters, Boy11 here.
Chobots Team has added more clothes to the catalog. There pretty amazing some clothes are design by Chobots. Enjoy them, they are located at the shop! ;)

Ok, next we have our Citizen party. It's just for citizens. Don't worry. Don't get mad neither sad. Usually there are more parties for everyone (non-citizens and citizens) almost all the time! x) For citizens, its located in the Hidden Citizens secret location. Enjoy the party! ;D

Until next time...

New Farm Contest

Hello chobots, Boy11 here.
Hiki has planned to you a small Farm contest. Time to meet Daisy, lol! x) Contest ends till Monday. Good luck, winners will receive citizenship! ;D

Until next time...