Grab Our banner!

Grab Our banner!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Hey guys, Boy11 here.
I have bad news for me, my computer stop working.. It has a technical problem with the internet. So I might not use Photoshop, neither any other paint programs! Dx But I have good news for you! ;)

There are new clothes at the Shop. Take a look at them:

Pretty cool, huh? :)

Btw, Chobots had a party. I'm sure this pic will tell you what was the theme of the party! x)

I missed it, unfortunetly because I was on school and my internet on my computer was not working (I'm using my sister's computer now).

See ya until next time...

1 comment:

  1. boy11, you need to color it in blue! if you look on the chart, hermione123 posted a color chart for the new authors
